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The book of your life - Questions from Max Strom

For yourself, write down your answers to the following:

1)Define happiness? Not by use of a dictionary, but rather what it means to you to be happy.

2) Write down who your true friends are - those you trust beyond anything.

3) You have 30 minutes to pack a suitcase for the rest of your life, what do you bring?

4) Write down your code of ethics. Be honest and descriptive with each ethic and how it may need to be adapted in certain situations

5) If you were to die in the next 24 hours, what would you regret?

6) What is your mission in life?

7) How do you sabotage yourself in trying to achieve your mission?

Answer these humbly and truthfully. These answers are the keys to your life.
書いた答えを見て・・・・誠実に、謙虚に受け止めてみる。自分自身が見えてきた?This is the book of your life.

Thanks Max Strom for the amazing workshop and these high level questions.
And Thanks Jesse to post this in English.

Max Strom

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