Karma Teachers: Offering free yoga to the Downtown Eastside Community to promote the act of selfless giving.

昨年の11月にteacher traingを修了したBrand new teachersが始めた
”Karma Teachers"
”Downtown Eastsideに住むyogaを必要としている人達をyogaを通じてサポートする、もちろんFreeで。”
"美しい自然に囲まれ、住みやすい街”というイメージの強いVancouoverですが、それ以外の面ももちろんあり、生活保護を必要とする人、路上生活者、ドラッグ中毒・・・などサポートを必要としている人が多くすむ地域がDowntown Eastside。ここに住む人たちがyogaを通じて自立をすることをサポートしていく。
私もKarma Teachersの一人として、彼らをサポート。
1/26(Thu) 7:00- 8:00、私もKundaliniクラスを行います。私が彼らをサポートする意味でも出来る一つのKarma。
★Kundalini yoga @Karma Teachers★
Date: January 26, 7:00-8:00 pm
Location:45 West Hastings
(Entrance is at the back. Use the Buzzer or call 604-700-6489)
*Please bring your own mat
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Our Intentions:
Karma teachers is a group of yoga teachers committed to selfless action and giving back to community. Our teachers are passionate about yoga and sharing its many benefits. By imparting yoga knowledge and skills, we are helping to enhance the lives of others and especially those living in our community. We make yoga accessible to those groups that might not otherwise have an opportunity to participate in yoga classes. In doing so, we are helping to revitalize Vancouver's lower east side community.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to share the benefits of yoga and enhance people’s lives while encouraging selfless action
Our mission is to build community and encourage selfless action through sharing the benefits of yoga

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